Saturday, September 18, 2010

Windows 8

An Italian blog has reveled what can be the upcoming project of Microsoft, the Windows 8. The information that has been put up regarding the upcoming version of Windows in labeled as Microsoft Confidential and Under NDA. The blog which posted the information of the upcoming Windows version in form of slides is Windowsette. However the officials of Microsoft Company have not confirmed the authenticity of the information yet.

If the information posted on the blog is true than one can easily say that Microsoft this time is trying its best to copy and cut down the market of Apple. The slides of information also provide that working with Windows 8 will be far more comfortable than any other Windows version. Around 18 documents loaded with information have been posted on the blog. The possibility is that this version might hit the market in year 2012.

Microsoft, if the information is true, is trying to wipe away the hideous memories of Windows Vista which came out in January 2007. Windows Vista has so far received the worst comments by the critics. Also Microsoft is trying to overcome all the problems that were faced by the users of Windows 7. Windows 7 requires a lot of horsepower to run as well is it is incompatible with many applications. It was released in last October.

All slides have the same footnote saying “Windows 8 Discussion, This Is Not A Plan of Record”. The first slide shows a scenario of a game, in which the player is armed. The player breaks in proceedings to answer the doorbell.
